CONTEST HOTLINE : (808) 385-2221


Support HSA Maui directly by joining Hawaii Surfing Association.

With membership, you receive a discounted entry rate and secondary divisions throughout the year. Only HSA members can enter multiple divisions at each contest. Any HSA member can compete on any island at any HSA event. Registered HSA members receive points and are rated for the season on their home island. Only HSA members are eligible to compete at the State Championships at Ala Moana Bowls. Members are provided with snacks and hydrating beverages at each event. HSA’s annual membership fee is $100. Get membership and Enter Contest

How much does it cost to enter the event?

Contest Entry: MEMBER: First division $75-100, second division $35-50 NON-MEMBER / LATE / BEACH ENTRY $125 CASH OR VENMO

Event Logistics

Contest Venues (waves) From the Judges Perspective View Contest Venues Online Surfer Profile Form – Complete Form